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Q1: What and where was Prussia? Q2: What about the kings in Germany? Q3: Who were the (9) Prussian kings? Q4: What were the administrative areas of Ostpreußen (East Prussia)? Q5: What were the "old" administrative areas of East Prussia? Q6: What were the court districts in Ostpreußen before 1900? Q7: Are there secular records of interest to family researchers? Q8: Is there a listserv for East Prussia family researchers? Q9: How do I find locations and maps for Prussia? Q10: What books discuss hints and sources for East German searchers? Q11: How many Mennonites lived in Ostpreußen (East Prussia)? Q12: Is there a website which has Prussian Mennonnite records posted? Q13: Where can I get information on archives in Poland? Q14: What was the religion of people in Ostpreußen (East Prussia)? Q15: What were the land measurements in Prussia? Q16: How do you pronounce place names? Q17: What were the classes of country people before 1900? Q18: When were civil registers introduced? Q19: Are there emigration records available? Q20: Is there a genealogical society specializing in this area? Q21: What information is available at GStAPK in Berlin-Dahlem? ============================================= Q1: What and where was Prussia? A1: The answer depends on the time frame: 1) pre-1806 2) 1806-1871 3) 1871-1918 and later. 1a) Prussia was a region which before 1772 consisted of what was later known as East Prussia (Ostpreußen) with capital of Königsberg, a duchy since 1525, a kingdom of the Hohenzollern dynasty since 1701 and West Prussia (Westpreußen) with the Hanseatic cities of Danzig, Elbing, Thorn, and Culm, part of Poland referred to as Polish Prussia before 1772. The German literture refers to East and West Prussia as Old or Original Prussia or (Altpreußen). 1b) In 1772 King Friedrich II of Prussia annexed Polish Prussia (without the Danzig Territory) calling it West Prussia (Westpreußen) and united it with East Prussia. In 1793 King Friedrich Wilhelm II also annexed the Danzig and Thorn Territories, and 1793/1795 larger areas of Poland which were called South Prussia (Südpreußen) and New East Prussia (Neu-Ostpreußen). The kingdom of Prussia at this time was not part of Germany. Königsberg was capital and coronation city of the Prussian kings. Terms like German government or German army have no meaning for this time period. 2) In 1806 Napoleon Bonaparte conquered Europe and abolished the German empire and the title of Kaiser for Germany (capital:Wien or Vienna). The Kaiser in Wien-Vienna became Kaiser of Austria with no power in the rest of Germany. After Napoleon's final defeat in 1815 the kingdom of Prussia became known as "Die Vereinigten Preußischen Staaten" (United Prussian States) which now also included provinces like Schlesien/Silesia, Brandenburg,Pommern/Pomerania and areas as far west as the Rhine province. Berlin now became the Prussian capital. Until 1806 the Hohenzollern sovereign had many titles and hats from Head of the Evangelic Church to King, Elector, Grandduke, Duke for the various regions and realms under his rule. After 1806 he simply was King of Prussia. Terms like German government or German army have no meaning for this time period until 1871. 3) In 1871 Germany as an empire with a Kaiser was reestablished with Berlin as the capital of Germany and Prussia and with the Prussian king also having the title of German Kaiser. All monarchies in Germany were abolished in 1918, Prussia was declared defunct in 1947 by the Allied victors. The original (East and West) Prussia was cleansed of its ethnic German population and given to Poland and Russia. The Western powers were silent on the ethnic cleansing of original Prussia and Eastern Germany resulting in 12 millions of German refugees. Q2: What about the kings in Germany? A2: Before 1806 Germany was one kingdom and empire with one Kaiser and one king who resided in Wien (Vienna). He was elected by the collegium of Kurfürsten (electors) who in 1800 were the 3 archbishops of Köln (Cologne), Mainz and Trier and the 4 secular electors of Rhine-Pfalz, Brandenburg, Sachsen(Saxony), and Böhmen(Bohemia). The electors of Brandenburg and Sachsen had also ambitions to acquire the title of king. Since they could not acquire this title inside Germany they succeeded outside Germany: Brandenburg by declaring themselves "King in Prussia" at Königsberg in 1701, Sachsen by getting elected as King of Poland in 1697. The Kaiser in Wien was powerless to prevent this ploy. By 1806 Napoleon Bonaparte changed all that. Germany no longer was a kingdom and empire. The titles of Kurfürst (elector) became meaningless and was abolished and changed to Kings of Bohemia, Prussia, Saxony, Bavaria, Württemberg, and Hannover by Napoleon's grace. The archbishops and catholic church lost all their secular power in 1803. Q3: Who were the (9) Prussian kings? A3: Kurfürst (Elector) Friedrich III crowned himself first king 1.) as Friedrich I in Königsberg in 1701, died 1712, his son was 2.) King Friedrich Wilhelm I, 1712-1740, intolerant, his son was 3.) King Friedrich II the Great (Old Fritz), 1740-1786, his nephew was 4.) King Friedrich Wilhelm II, 1786-1797, intolerant, his son was 5.) King Friedrich Wilhelm III, 1797-1840, his son was 6.) King Friedrich Wilhelm IV, 1840-1861, his brother was 7.) King Wilhelm I, 1861-1888, became Kaiser 1871, his son was 8.) Kaiser and King Friedrich III, 1888 (99 days), his son was 9.) Kaiser and King Wilhelm II, 1888-1918. Q4: What were the administrative areas of Ostpreußen (East Prussia)? A4: Between 1824-1878 there was one Province of Prussia (Provinz Preußen) which later was divided into two provinces (Ostpreußen, Westpreußen) with capitals in Königsberg and Danzig, respectively. This changed drastically after Word War I (1918). In 1815-1900 there were the following districts and Kreise (counties): Regierungsbezirk (district) of Königsberg with 20 Kreise (counties): *Allenstein,*Braunsberg,Preußisch-Eylau,Fischhausen,F riedland, Gerdauen, Heiligenbeil,*Heilsberg,Preußisch-Holland, Königsberg-Stadt, Kbg-Land, Labiau,Memel,Mohrungen,Neidenburg, Ortelsburg,Osterode,Rastenburg, *Rössel,Wehlau. - * marks a Kreis in the Catholivc episcopy of Ermland (Warmia) which area was annexed from Poland in 1772 - Regierungsbezirk (district) of Gumbinnen with 16 Kreise (counties): Angerburg,Darkehmen,Goldap,Gumbinnen,*Heydekrug,Insterburg,J ohannisburg, Lötzen,Lyck,Niederung,Oletzko(Treuburg),Pillkallen,Ragn it,Sensburg, Stallupönen,Tilsit. - Prior to c.1830, this district was also called Preußisch-Litauen (Prussian Lithuania). It was here that the c30,000 Austrian Salzburger refugees were settled in 1732 after the plague of 1712 - Each Regierung was presided by the Regierungspräsident. The official Regierung announcements were published since 1816 in the weekly Amtsblatt which contained legal annoucements, promotions, appointments of judges, teachers, officials, professors, foreclosures, bankrupcies, auctions, medals and much more. Each Kreis was headed by the Landrat who presided over the Landratsamt. The Landratsamt records are deposited in Berlin and the Polish archives with published brief inventories. The Landrat was in charge of passport and emigrations matters and reported to the district Regierung who in turn gave data to the provincial Oberpräsidium in Königsberg . Gazetteers for all villages and towns were published by Verein für Familienforschung in Ost- und Westpreußen in Hamburg in its Sonderschriften reprints Nr.43 (Königsberg,1820), Nr.48 (Gumbinnen,1818), Note: East and West Prussia were united as one "Province of Prussia" during 1824-1878. In 1905 a third district of Allenstein was established from the southern parts of the districts of Königsberg and Gumbinnen comprising the Kreise of Allenstein (Stadt and Land), Johannisburg, Lötzen, Lyck, Neidenburg, Ortelsburg, Osterode, Rössel, and Sensburg. This area is also known as Masuren (Latin: Masovia). After WWI (1920) Ostpreußen lost the Memelland without a popular referendum to the new Lithuania (Kreise of Memel, Heydekrug, part of Kreis Tilsit and Ragnit beyond the Memel river). A new Reg.Bezirk (district) of Westpreußen (or Marienwerder) was added from the remaining divided province of West Prussia (Kreise Elbing, Marienburg, Marienwerder, Rosenberg, Stuhm), After WWII (1945) Ostpreußen was divided among Russia (Kalinigrad Oblastj) and Poland. For modern Polish names see Q5: What were the "old" administrative areas of East Prussia? A5: In 1806 the old adminitrative areas were I. Ostpreußen with 983,034 Einwohner: 1.Ostpreußisches Kammer-Departement included the Kreise of Samland (Schaken),Tapiau,Brandenburg,Rastenburg,Braunsberg,Heilsberg , Morungen,Neidenburg. 2.Litauisches Kammer-Departement included the Kreise of Insterburg,Olezko,Sehesten. IV. Neu-Ostpreußen with 914,610 Einwohner (a separate province): 8. Departement der Kriegs- und Domainen-Kammer zu Bialystok included the Kreise of Lomza,Drohicin,Bielsk,Surasz,Bialystok,Bobrz,Dombrowa,Wygry, Kalwary,Marianpol. 9. Departement der Kriegs- und Domainen-Kammer zu Plozk included the Kreise of Wyszogrod,Lipno,Mlawa,Przasnik,Pultusk,Ostrolenka. The concept of Kreis was different in pre-1808 Prussia and referred to the districts of the noble families ("Die Adeligen Kreise") as well as the Immediatstädte and royal Domainen-Ämter. The term "Regierung" referred to the judicial (court) system before 1806 and to the district administration after 1815. This is important to understand, if researchers want to judge the relevance of records in the Berlin and Polish archives. For historical maps see Brandt-Goertz: Genealogical Guide to East and West Prussia,Minneapolis MN 2002 Q6: What were the court districts in Ostpreußen before 1900? A6: The highest provincial court was the Oberlandesgericht in Königsberg. The lower courts (Landgerichte) and lowest courts (Amtsgerichte) were Landgericht Allenstein with (10) Amtsgerichte: Allenstein,Gilgenburg,Hohenstein,Neidenburg,Ortelsburg,Oster ode, Passenheim,Soldau,Wartenburg,Willenberg. Landgericht Bartenstein with (17) Amtsgerichte: Barten,Bartenstein,Bischofsburg,Bischofstein,Domnau,Preu&sz lig;isch-Eylau, Friedland,Gerdauen,Gutstadt,Heilsberg,Kreuzburg,Landsberg,No rdenburg, Rastenburg,Rössel,Schippenbeil,Seeburg. Landgericht Braunsberg with (10) Amtsgerichte: Braunsberg,Heiligenbeil,Liebstadt,Mehlsack,Mohrungen,Mü hlhausen, Preußisch-Holland,Saalfeld,Wormditt,Zinten/ Landgericht Insterburg with (6) Amtsgerichte: Darkehmen,Goldap,Gumbinnen,Insterburg,Pillkallen,Stallup&oum l;nen. Landgericht Königsberg with (8) Amtsgerichte: Allenburg,Fischhausen,Königsberg,Labiau,Mehlauken,Pilla u,Tapiau, Wehlau. Landgericht Lyck with (10) Amtsgerichte: Angerburg,Arys,Bialla,Johannisburg,Lötzen,Lyck,Margrabb owa, Nikolaiken,Rhein,Sensburg. Landgericht Memel with (4) Amtsgerichte: Heydekrug,Memel,Prökuls,Russ. Landgericht Tilsit with (6) Amtsgerichte: Heinrichswalde,Kaukehmen,Ragnit,Skaisgirren,Tilsit,Wischwill . The whereabouts of the records for the Landgerichte is unknown. Some records of the Amtsgerichte are deposited at the Olsztyn archives today. Of special interest are the land deed records (Grund- und Hypotheken-Acta) with no published survey known. Legal basis for these land records is the Prussian Hypotheken-Ordnung of 1783 which initially applied to crownlands only. The court at that time was called Domainen-Justiz-Amt (until 1806), Land- und Stadt-Gericht (1806-1849), Kreisgericht (1849-1879), Amtsgericht (after 1879). Land (sales and hereditary) contracts were negotiated, supervised and written-up by court-appointed Landgeschworene (land jurors) who also appraised (taxirten) the real estate and its contents (imo- und mobiliar). Prior to 1783 land contracts were written verbatim in triplicate by one hand and deposited usually with the seller, purchaser and the Dorfschulz (mayor). Last testaments and wills, Erbscheine, orphan records would be deposited in the local Amtsgericht (in the Hypotheken-Acta, if land ownership and remarriages were involved). A remarriage of a widower/widow was always documented in the Amtsgericht stating in detail the estate rights of surviving children as well as rights and duties of parents and step parents. This is a source at the Amtsgericht which is widely unknown and untapped (and unfilmed by the LDS). If you are looking for records which describe the life and tribulations of your ancestors, you cannot miss looking at the court records. For research on estates the estate directories (Güteradre_b|cher) list the owners and economic information (acreage, lifestock etc.): Handbuch des Grundbesitzes im Deutschen Reiche. I. Das Königreich Preußen - Provinz Ostpreußen 1st ed. Berlin 1879 2nd ed. Berlin 1884 3rd ed. Berlin 1895 4th ed. Berlin 1903 5th ed. Berlin 1907 Niekammers Landwirtschaftliches Güter-Adreßbuch. Band 3: Provinz Ostpreußen 1st ed. Stettin 1905 2nd ed. Leipzig 1913 3rd ed. Leipzig 1920 4th ed. Leipzig 1922 5th ed. Leipzig 1932 Q7: Are there secular records of interest to family researchers? A7: There are 3 types of records compiled periodically for the period of reign of Friedrich II who ruled 1740-1786: 1) Praestations-Tabellen (PT) are land tax lists since about 1774 for West Prussia and since about 1723 for East Prussia and updated about every 6 years until 1806 and continued from 1819 to about 1850. They list land tenants on royal domaine lands (crownland) only, giving names and land size in H(ufen), M(orgen) and R(uten). No PTs exist for nobility land (adl.Rittergut,Dominium) or city territories (Kammergut). The Kgl.(Royal) Domainen-Amt or Domainen-Rent-Amt administered and levied the tax (=Praestation). The Domainen-Amt districts were usually identical with the court districts (Amts-Gericht). After 1815 the domaine lands were sold to the tenants in instalments which was completed by about 1850. The new authority who handled the sales (=Ablösung) was the General-Kommission zu Königsberg. For later years the land records of the local Kataster-Amt (1861-) should be consulted. Rittergut ownership restriction to the nobility was lifted in 1867. 2) Mahl-Listen or Mühlen Consignationen list all heads of family by name and number of women, sons, daughters, male and female servants. They indicate that everyone of age 12-60 was taxed by head for eating and milling grain, poor or rich alike. They were abolished in 1806 by the Stein-Hardenberg reforms. 3) The courts introduced new deed record keeping for Prussia in 1783, initially for crownlands only. Especially the Hypotheken-Acta often give information on family affairs like mortgage beneficiaries, orphans, new marriages, heirs in details not found anywhere else. They often do not only reflect families with assets, but also paupers as heirs and beneficiaries. Often copies of old documents and wills are attached. Q8: Is there a listserv for East Prussia family researchers? A8: There is a mailing list ow-preussen-l for East and West Prussia. To subscribe send text: subscribe ow-preussen-L to A more general list is To subscribe send the word "subscribe" (without the quotes) as the only text in the body of a message to (mail mode) or (digest mode). Websites for German genealogy areßen/Mailingliste. htm http://www.judeninostpr&euß Genealogival sources: Sources A-E Sources F-G Sources H-K Sources L-O Sources P-S Sources T-Z ak.htm lz.htm (Kreise Neidenburg, Ortelsburg,Sensburg und Tilsit) Stiftung Martin-Opitz-Bibliothek Herne. (formerly Bücherei des deutschen Ostens) e-mail: l Herder-Institut Marburg e.V. Gisonenweg 5 - 7, 35037 Marburg/Lahn Telephon: 06421/184-0, Telefax: 184-139 e-mail: b.html Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin. Archivstrasse 12-14 D-14195 Berlin (Dahlem) Tel.: (030) 839 01141 Fax: (030) 839 011 80 For those who are interested in the holdings of the Privy State Archives in Berlin-Dahlem Here are their main groups (HA = Haupt-Abteilungen) of records: HA I. Die sogenannten alten und neuen Reposituren (ca.1400-1808-1947) II Generaldirektorium (1723 - 1808) IIl. Ministerium der auswärtigen Angelegenheiten IV. Heeresarchiv (mostly destroyed in 1945) V. Königreich Westphalen VI. Staatsvertrdge VII. Urkunden VIII Siegel, Wappen, Genealogie IX. Bilder X. Brandenburg XI. Karten XII. (Amts-) Drucksachen XIII Filme XIV. Westpreußen XV. Pommern XVI. Posen XVII Schlesien XVIII Sachsen XIX. Grenzmark Posen - Westpreußen XX. Historisches Staatsarchiv Kvnigsberg rli-geh-st* atsar/#bestaende A small number of pre-1945 records survive in the Russian Archives in Kaliningrad Oblast: Gosudarstvennyj archiv Kaliningradskoj oblasti ul. Komsomol'skaja 32 SU-236000 g. Kaliningrad obl. Evang. Zentralarchiv Berlin. Email: Listing of Lutheran churches: Q9: How do I find locations and maps for Prussia? A9: An atlas is usually not the best tool to locate small towns or villages. Maps of scales 1:25,000 (Messtischblatt) or 1:100,000 (Karte des Deutschen Reiches and Kreiskarten) and gazetteers (Ortsverzeichnis) are. The best German gazetteer is Meyers Orts- and Verkehrslexikon des Deutschen Reiches,1912 edition, which is available on microfiche in the LDS Family History Centers and gives info on parish, Kreis, Standesamt, court, post office etc. on all German locations. There is LDS microfilm #068814 available of Karte des Deutschen Reiches, scale 1:100000, 1km = 1cm which may be loaned thru the LDS Family History Centers. It covers Germany for 1914-1917. Topographical Maps (Messtischblätter 1:25000) may also be purchased from Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie Richard-Strauss-Allee 11 60958 Frankfurt am Main, Germany E-mail: For online maps see also For German-Polish place name dictionary, see .de.htm Q10: What books discuss hints and sources for East German searchers? A10: Wegweiser für Forschung nach Vorfahren aus den Ostdeutschen und Sudetendeutschen Gebieten sowie aus den deutschen Siedlungsräumen in Mittel-,Ost- und Südosteuropa (AGoFF-Wegweiser): Verlag Degener &Co, 91413 Neustadt, Germany (1991 and later) (The out-of-print English edition is being revised presently) Germanic Genealogy (by Edward R.Brandt et alii), 2nd edition. 1997, St.Paul MN, 517 pp.,1st edition, 1995. W.Krallert: Atlas zur Geschichte der deutschen Ostsiedlung, Velhagen &Klasing, Bielefeld-Berlin-Hannover 1958. The "Bibliographie der Geschichte von Ost- und Westpreußen" by Ernst Wermke, 4 vols.,is the most complete bibliography which includes genealogical publications. Vol.1:Aalen 1962 (publications prior to 1929) Vol.2:Aalen 1964 (publications 1930-1938) Vol.3:Bonn-Bad Godesberg 1974 (publications 1939-1974) Vol.4: Marburg 1974 (publications 1971-1974) Altpreußische Biographie/ hrsg. im Auftrage der Historischen Kommission für ost- und westpreußische Landesforschung von Christian Krollmann, fortgesetzt von Kurt Forstreuter und Fritz Gause. Marburg/Lähn 1941-. Bd 1: Abegg - Malten. 1941. Bd 2: Maltitz - Z. 1967. Bd 3: Ergänzungen zu Bd 1 und 2. 1975 . Bd 4: hrsg. ... von Ernst Bahr , Gerd Brauch. 1995. Register zu den Bänden I-IV /bearb. von Achim Breuer, Gerd Brausch. 1995. There have been some calls recently for books in English on the German expulsion and ethnic cleansing in East Germany and Eastern Europe: Background: At the Tehran Summnit in November 1943 between the USA (Roosevelt), the Soviet Union (Stalin) and the UK (Churchill), the Soviet Union (Stalin) and the USA (Roosevelt) conspired that the Soviet Union should annex the Northern part of East Prussia (Königsberg region) and that the German population should be "resettled" (i.e.expelled) from the eastern areas of Germany. These areas included German settlements since the 1200s. Churchill did not take part in this conspiracy and voiced his reservation and opposition, to no avail. The United Nations Charta of 1945 promotes respect for human rights and forbids annexations of areas against the will of the people. It turns out that the USA was not interested to honor this charta, but rather used the UNO to manipulate the organization for her own political goals and apply double standards whenever it was suitable, even to this day. The hope of the Prussian refugees that their homeland and property would be restored by the UNO has not been honored. Thorwald, Jurgen: Es begann an der Weichsel. 1951 Das Ende an der Elbe. 1952. English: Flight in the winter; [New York] Pantheon [1951] 318 p. 22 cm. CALL #: 940.542 T52F De Zayas, Alfred M. Anmerkungen zur Vertreibung der Deutschen aus dem Osten. English: The German expellees : victims in war and peace / Alfred-Maurice De Zayas ; [original German version translated by John A. Koehler]. New York : St. Martin's Press, 1993. xlii, 177 p., [24] p. of plates : ill., map ; 22 cm. Includes bibliographical references (p. [161]-169) and index. CALL #: DJK 28.G4D413 1993 De Zayas, Alfred M. Anmerkungen zur Vertreibung der Deutschen aus dem Osten. English: A terrible revenge : the "ethnic cleansing" of the east European Germans, 1944-1950 / Alfred-Maurice de Zayas ; [original German version translated by John A. Koehler]. 1st pbk. ed. with additions. New York : St. Martin's Press, 1994. xlii, 179 p. : ill., maps ; 21 cm. Includes bibliographical references (p. [153]-171) and index. CALL #: DJK 28.G4D413 1994 De Zayas, Alfred M. "Die Wehrmacht-Untersuchungsstelle - Dokumentation alliierter Kriegsverbrechen im Zweiten Weltkrieg" 1979, ISBN 3-8004-1051-6 (6th edition, 1998). English edition: "The Wehrmacht War Crimes Bureau, 1939-1945 - Documentation of Allied War Crimes in WWII" Nebraska University Press,1989, Paperbound, 364 pages, bibliography, index, photographs, ISBN: 0-8032-9908-7 De Zayas, Alfred M. "Anglo-American responsibility for the expulsion of the Germans 1945-48". "A legal analysis of ethnic cleansing", in Ethnic Cleansing in Twentieth-Century Europe, co-edited by Steven Vrdy, and Hunt Tooley, Columbia University Press, New York 2003. OTHER ENTRIES: Germans Europe, Eastern History 20th century. World War, 1939-1945 Refugees. World War, 1939-1945 Atrocities. Population transfers Germans. Beschloss, Michael R.: THE CONQUERORS Roosevelt, Truman And The Destruction Of Hitler'S Germany, 1941-1945 Simon & Schuster, 2002, 400 pages , ISBN: 0-684-81027-1 Vertreibung der deutschen Bevölkerung aus den Gebieten ostlich der Oder-Neisse, published by Bundesministerium für Vertriebene, Flüchtlinge und Kriegsgescha"digte, 1954/60, new 1993 edition by Weltbild Verlag, Augsburg, 3 vols., (ISBN 3-89350-547-4). The Federal archives in Bayreuth has compiled the most detailed documentation on the German ethnic cleansing from Eastern Germany and Easteren Europe. Address: Bundesarchiv Bayreuth Postfach 5025 95424 Bayreuth Ph.: 0921-57087 The following material is available for research and copying: 1. Gemeindeseelenlisten (name lists), incl. village maps comprising 15568 population lists for 12083 towns and villages, 7745 village maps for 6750 communities. 2. Ost-Dokumentation - Fragebogenberichte (Gemeindeschicksalsberichte) zur Dokumentation der Vertreibung der Deutschen aus Ostmitteleuropa und aus den deutschen Siedlungsgebieten in Südosteuropa (Questionaires on ethnic cleansing) - Erlebnisberichte zur Dokumentation der Vertreibung der Deutschen aus Ostmittel- und Südeuropa (First hand reports on ethnic cleansing) - Erhebungsbögen (Auswertungsbögen) der Dokumentation der Vertreibungsverbrechen (Evaluation on crimes against refugees) - Unterlagen der Flucht über die Ostsee (Flight via the Baltic sea) - Dokumentation über das Leben deutscher Flüchtlinge in Dänemark (Refugee life in Denmark) - Berichte über das Leben der deutschen Volksgruppen jenseits der östlichen und südöstlichen Reichsgrenzen (Reports on life in German communities outside Germany) - Berichte von Persönlichkeiten des öffentlichen Lebens aus den Gebieten östlich von Oder und Neisse zum Zeitgeschehen 1919-1945 (Reports by public figures from areas east of Oder and Neisse on life during 1919-1945) - Berichte über Verwaltung und Wirtschaft in den Gebieten östlich von Oder und Neisse sowie in Böhmen und Mähren (Reports on administration and business in the areas east of Oder and Neisse as well as Bohemia and Moravia). For refugee camps in Denmark see: Henrik Havrehed, Die Deutschen Flüchtlinge in Dänemark 1945-1949, Heide 1989; Arne Gammelgaard, Treibholz. Deutsche Flüchtlinge in Dänemark 1945-1949, Varde-Museum 1993, ISBN 87-89834-07-0; Leif Guldmann Ipsen, Menschen hinter Stacheldraht. Flüchtlingslager Oksbol 1945-1949, Blavandshuk Engsmuseum 2002, ISBN 87-89834-43-7 Q11: How many Mennonites lived in Ostpreußen (East Prussia)? A11: Since Mennonites enjoyed certain privilegia, the authorities counted them carefully. Here are some statistics from censuses for East Prussiä (see Mennonite Life, April 1969 p.83-86 for details) district 1816 1821 1831 1843 1852 1861 1871 1880 1890 1900 ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------- Ostpreußen: Königsberg 303 466 375 340 266 198 193 237 184 191 Gumbinnen 312 422 641 707 779 752 789 791 811 737 Kingdom 14954 15079 14756 14313 14780 13725 14040 13849 13833 13876 Q12: Is there a website which has Prussian Mennonnite records posted? A12: Consult the website of the Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society: Q13: Where can I get information on archives in Poland? A13: Consult the websites Q14: What was the religion of people in Ostpreußen (East Prussia)? A14: The majority in 1890 was Evangelical (83.5%), the Catholics (12.8%) were concentrated in the four Kreise of Ermland or Warmia; 14,411 Jews. (Allenstein, Braunsberg, Heilsberg, Rössel) which had been annexed by Prussia in 1772 and had not experienced the reformation of the 16th century. Q15: What were the land measurements in Prussia? A15: The land measurements in some areas before 1815 were based on the Culm units: 1 culm.Hufen = 30 culm.Morgen (= ca.16.8 ha = ca.41.5 acres) 1 culm.Morgen = 300 culm.Ruten (QRuten = sqRods) = ca.1.383 acres After 1815 the prevailing measurements were the Magdeburg units: 1 preuß.Hufen = 30 preuß.Morgen (= ca.7.66 ha = ca.18.9 acres) 1 preuß.Morgen = 180 preuß.Ruten(QRuten = sqRods) = ca.0.632 acres Q16: How do you pronounce place names? A16: Here is a sampling of phonetic transcription: Königsberg = KE-nicks-berk Gumbinnen = goom-BIN-nen Danzig = DUNN-tsick Marienwerder = mar-ree-en-VER-der Marienburg = maa-REE-en-burg (platt:MAR-yen-burg) Graudenz = GROU-dents Culm = COOLM Tiegenhof = tee-ghen-HOF Thorn = TORN Q17: What were the classes of country people before 1900? A17: Here are some samples found in the records: Arbeitsmann = (non-farm) laborer Bauer = term after about 1850 for farmer owning at least 1 Hufe (=16.8 ha) and less than 500 Morgen of land. Deputant = land laborer paid in kind (Deputat) like grain, potatos, lodging. Einlieger = subtenant Einwohner (pre-1850) = same as Emphyteut, Nachbar, or Bauer. Eleve = Trainee, apprentice on a Gut Emphyteut (pre-1850) = tenant on royal Amt land (West Prussia only) Gutsbesitzer = modern term after about 1850 for large estate farmer (>500 Morgen). Hakenbüdner,Höker = store owner/tenant selling everyday supplies which are displayed on hooks from walls and ceiling Kätner,Katner = tenant of small shack (Kate) with land Krüger,Krugpächter = tenant of inn (Krug) or pub or pharmacy owned and licensed by king or noble landlord Leute see Tagelöhner Nachbar = member of group (Nachbarschaft) leasing land from landlord Pächter = tenant. Rendant = Bookkepper, Accountant on a Gut Rittergutsbesitzer = owner of large medieval estate farm. Schänker, Schankwirt = Krüger Tagelöhner, Instleute, Leute = land laborers earning daily wage in kind (Deputat), lodging, some cash. Q18: When were civil registers introduced? A18: Civil registers of births,marriages,deaths were introduced in October of 1874. The Civil registry office is called Standesamt. Before this time, the Lutheran church records (1815-1874) or special Dissidenten-Register (1847-1874) served as official registers, and a duplicate copy was deposited at the local court (Amtsgericht). Many of the Standesamt civil registers have survived in the Southern part of Ostpreußen (East Prussia) which was annexed by Poland in 1945. The story is quite different in the Northern part of Ostpreußen annexed by the Soviet Union in 1945 as the Kaliningrad Oblastj. The Red Army followed a deliberate course of annihilation and looting. Records had no priority for saving, art treasures and books were destroyed or taken to Russia. The burned-out Royal castle in Königsberg was levelled as late as the Brezhnev era. Even today, as we write 1997, the Russian parliament, the Duma, voted against returning German records and artifacts and overruled a veto by President Yeltsin. Most Standesamt (Polish: Urzed Stanu Cywilnego) records in Southern East Prussia remained in the old offices and were taken over by the Polish authorities. They are listed in the Gazetteer of Polish People's Republic Localities. The full title is SPIS MIEJSCOWOSCI POLSKIEJ RZECZYPOSPOLITEJ LUDOWEJ, published in Warsaw 1968, and on LDS microfilm #844,922. Prior to 1874, the church records (Kirchenbücher) of the official churches (Evangelic and catholic) served as recognized documents for the purpose of proving one's birth, marriage, and death and had to meet certain standards of accuracy and completeness. Members of minor (unregcognised) churches had to record their vital statistics with the pastor of the official churches. Q19: Are there emigration records available? A19: The state archives have many emigration records which were filmed by the LDS FHL. For details see: Learned, Marion Dexter, 1857-1917: Guide to the manuscript materials relating to American history in the German state archives, Washington, D.C., Carnegie Institution of Washington. Publication no. 150 , 1912, 352 p.: -also Kraus reprints NY 1965- p.107-108: StA Königsberg, today in Berlin HA.XX. (there are a number of updates done by the LOC Manuscript Division, call no.L173.L4 Suppl. 1929-1932, vol.1 p.179-181 for Königsberg). Q20: Is there a genealogical society specializing in this area? A20: The Verein für Familienforschung in Ost- und Westpreußen was established in 1924 in Königsberg and was reestablished after WWII in Hamburg. It publishes the annual Altpreußische Geschlechterkunde and Familienarchiv as well as a series of Sonderschriften of sources. Annual membership with foreign address is DM 90. Application for membership and ordering of publications may be directed to Frau Elisabeth Meier Postfach 11 05 39 46125 Oberhausen, Germany email: OR VFFOW@MAIL.EICS.COM Computers: If you have property claims to your ancestral home or farm in Prussia which was lost due to ethnic cleansing in 1945, you may want to consider purchasing shares (EUR 50 minimum for one share) of "Preußische Treuhand - Prussian Claims Inc." Preußische Treuhand - Prussian Claims Inc. Q21: What information is available at GStAPK in Berlin-Dahlem? A21: The Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz (GStAPK) in Berlin-Dahlem is the central archives of Prussia. The older records (1723-1808) are deposited in HA.II Generaldirektorium, Abt.7 Ostpreußen und Litauen. (i.e.Districts of Königsberg and Gumbinnen). which is divided into 4 parts: a. Bestallungs-, Kassen und Etatssachen, 1714-1808, Findbuch, 1 vol. (Government appointments, budgets etc.) b. Materien, 1716-1808 (Many topics, divided into "Titel" numbers), Findbuch, 3 vols., Ortsregister (locality index) zu den Kontributionskatastern und Klassifikationsanschlägen (1772/73) 1 vol., Findkartei: Personenregister der Kolonisten. c. 1.Ämtersachen and 2.Ämterverpachtungssachen, 1714 - 1806 with an alphabetic listing of Ämter. This part is separated into Ostpreußen and Litauen, then again each into "Generalien, Mühlen-Sachen, Brau- und Krug-Sachen,Remissions-Sachen". Findbuch: 3 vols. Note: The Praestations-Tabellen (Land Tax Tables) is a separate collection which is aranged by the same Ämter designations. d. Städte-Sachen, 1698 - 1806, Findbuch, 3 vols., in alphabetical order of cities and towns. The three types of land ownership in Prussia about 1800 were: A. Towns and Cities B. Noble Land Lords (Adel, Rittergüter) C. Crown Lands (Royal Ämter). The percentual areas under agricultural cultivation around 1800 were as follows: A. B. C. Ostpreußen (Königsberg): 6.5% 42.2% 51.3% Litauen (Gumbinnen): 3% 22% 75% The Ämter-Sachen, thus, would cover the majority of land-related records, comprising 6349 Akteneinheiten, and are inventorized in 6 volumes of Findbücher: Band 1: 1. Ämtersachen Kammerdepartement Königsberg Ämter Allenstein bis Liebstadt , Nr . 1 - 1074 Band 2 Ämter Lochstädt bis Wormditt , Nr. 1075 - 2140 Band 3 Kammerdepartement Gumbinnen Ämter Althof-Insterburg bis Kassigkehmen, Nr . 2141 - 3242 Band 4 Ämter Katteneu bis Fürstlich Anhalt - Dessauische Güter , Nr. 3243 - 4404 Band 5 2. Ämterverpachtungen Kammerdepartement Königsberg Ämter Allenstein bis Wormditt , Nr. 4405 - 5392 Band 6 Kammerdepartement Gumbinnen Ämter Althof - Insterburg - Winge , Nr. 5393 - 6349 According to Herbert Pöppel, the listing from the Findbücher is as follows: Band 1 ==== 1 . Ämtersachen ========Kammerdepartement Königsberg========= Amt Nr . Allenstein 1 - 41 Balga 42 - 83 Barten 84 - 117 Bartenstein 118 - 138 Behlenhof 139 - 156 Brandenburg 157 - 197 Braunschweig 198 - 224 Dirschkeim 225 - 247 Dollstädt 248 - 271 Fischhausen 272 - 318 Frauenburg 319 - 348 Friedrichsberg 349 - 370 Friedrichsfelde 371 - 388 Friedrichsgraben (Amt Seckenburg) 389 - 446 Erbgut Gerdauen (see III 2029 ) Erbgut Gilgenburg ( see II Materien 8025 ) Grosshof (see Tapiau ) Grünhoff 447 - 500 Guttstadt 501 - 544 Heilsberg 545 - 578 Hohenstein 579 - 620 Kalthof 621 - 648 Karpon 649 - 669 Karben 670 - 692 Karschau 693 - 720 Kaymen 721 - 757 Kleinhof (see Amt Tapiau ) Kobbelbude 758 - 782 Kargan 783 - 816 Labiau 817 - 898 Lappönen 899 - 929 Laptau 930 - 957 Lankischken 958 - 1011 Liebemühl 1012 - 1044 Liebstadt 1045 - 1074 Band 2 ==== 1. Ämtersachen ============Kammerdepartement Königsberg========= Amt Nr. Lochstädt 1075 - 1090 Mehlauken 1091 - 1173 Mehlsack 1174 - 1198 Mensguth 1199 - 1223 Mohrungen 1224 - 1263 Natangen 1264 - 1280 Neidenburg 1281 - 1336 Neuhausen 1337 - 1368 Ortelsburg 1369 - 1422 Osterode 1423 - 1472 Palmnicken 1473 - 1481 Petersdorf (see Amt Taplacken ) Preu_isch Eylau 1482 - 1517 Preu_isch Holland 1518 - 1555 Preu_isch Mark 1556 - 1599 Rastenburg 1600 - 1644 Rössel 1645 - 1679 Rossitten 1680 - 1686 Saalau 1687 - 1734 Schaacken 1735 - 1768 Schippenbeil (see Amt Rastenburg ) Seckenburg (see Amt Friedrichsgraben ) Seeburg 1769 - 1800 Soldau 1801 - 1833 Tapiau 1834 - 1898 Taplacken 1899 - 1953 Uderwangen 1954 - 1987 Waldau 1988 - 2019 Wandlacken 2020 - 2042 Wartenburg 2043 - 2066 Willenberg 2067 - 2115 Wormditt 2116 - 2140 Band 3 ===== 1. Ämtersachen ========Kammerdepertement Gumbinnen======== Amt Nr . Althof - Insterburg 2141 - 2182 " - Memel 2183 - 2247 " - Ragnit 2248 - 2284 Angerburg (see Amt Popiollen) 2285 - 2330 Arys 2331 - 2355 Ballgarden 2356 - 2403 Baubeln 2404 - 2452 Brakupönen 2453 - 2488 Bredauen 2489 - 2519 Bredupönen 2520 - 2544 Budwetschen 2545 - 2565 Buylien 2566 - 2587 Czychen 2588 - 2633 Czymochen 2634 - 2651 Danzkehnen 2652 - 2673 Didlacken (Amt Gaudischkehmen) 2674 - 2716 Dinglauken 2717 - 2743 Dörschkehmen 2744 - 2772 Gaudischkehmen (see Amt Didlacken) 2773 - 2794 Georgenburg 2795 - 2845 Gerskullen 2846 - 2882 Göritten 2883 - 2908 Grünweitschen (Amt Mattischkehmen) 2909 - 2928 Grumbkowkaiten (see Amt Uszpiauen) 2929 - 2980 Gudwallen 2981 - 3027 Heinrichswalde 3028 - 3059 Heydekrug 3060 - 3099 Insterburg (see Amt Althof - I.) Johannisburg 3100 - 3152 (3153 vacant) Jurgaitschen 3154 - 3212 Kasigkehmen 3213 - 3242 Band 4 ==== 1. Ämtersachen =======Kammerdepartement Gumbinnen========== Amt Nr. Kattenau 3243 - 3274 Kiauten 3275 - 3316 Klemmenhof 3617 - 3348 Königsfelde 3349 - 3367 Kukerneese 3368 - 3427 Kussen 3428 - 3460 Lesgewangminnen 3461 - 3494 Linkuhnen 3495 - 3575 Löbegallen 3576 - 3602 Lötzen 3603 - 3642 Lyck 3643 - 3683 Mattischkehmen (see Amt Grünweitschen ) Maygunischken 3684 - 3689 Memel (see Amt Althof-Memel ) Molienen 3690 - 3723 Nassawen 3724 - 3737 Norkitten (see Fürstlich Anhalt-Dessauische Güter ) Oletzko 3738 - 3770 Plicken 3771 - 3795 Polommen 3796 - 3840 Plicken 3771 - 3795 Polommen 3796 - 3840 Popiollen (see Amt Angerburg) 3841 - 3867 Prökuls 3868 - 3889 Ragnit (see Amt Althof Ragnit) Rhein 3890 - 3938 Russ 3939 - 3984 Schnittken (see Amt Rhein) 3985 - 4010 Schreitlauken 4011 - 4043 Seehesten 4044 - 4084 Sommerau 4085 - 4103 Sperling 4104 - 4142 Stannaitschen 4143 - 4179 Stradaunen 4480 - 4209 Szirgupönen 4210 - 4238 Tilsit 4239 - 4245 Tollmingkehmen 4246 - 4273 Uszpiaunen (see Amt Grumbkowkaiten) 4274 - 4279 Waldaukadel 4280 - 4304 Uszpiaunen (see Amt Grumbkowkaiten) 4274 - 4279 Waldaukadel 4280 - 4304 Weedern 4305 - 4342 Winge 4343 - 4394 Fürstlich Anhalt-Dessauische Güter 4395 - 4404 Band 5 ==== 2.Ämterverpachtungen ======== Kammerdepartement Königsberg Amt Nr . Allenstein 4405 - 4426 Balga 4427 - 4447 Barten 4448 - 4462 Bartenstein 4463 - 4476 Behlenhof 4477 - 4488 Brandenburg 4489 - 4510 Braunsberg 4511 - 4521 Dirschkeim 4522 - 4544 Dollst:dt 4545 - 4557 Fischhausen 4558 - 4580 Frauenburg 4581 - 4593 Friedrichsberg 4594 - 4608 Friedrichsfelde 4609 - 4618 Friedrichsgraben (Amt Seckenburg) 4619 - 4631 Gro_hof (see Tapiau) Grünhoff 4632 - 4652 Guttstadt 4653 - 4664 Heilsberg 4665 - 4679 Hohenstein 4680 - 4694 Kalthof 4695 - 4710 Karpon 4711 - 4722 Karben 4723 - 4739 Karschau 4740 - 4755 Kaymen 4756 - 4776 Kleinhof (see Amt Tapiau) Kobbelbude 4777 - 4794 Kargan 4795 - 4809 Labiau 4810 - 4833 Lappönen 4834 - 4843 Laptau 4844 - 4861 Laukischken 4862 - 4876 Liebemühl 4877 - 4891 Liebstadt 4892 - 4907 Lochstädt 4908 - 4924 Mehlauken 4925 - 4950 Mehlsack 4951 - 4963 Mensguth 4964 - 4978 Mohrungen 4979 - 4995 Natangen 4996 - 5004 Neidenburg 5005 - 5031 Neuhausen 5032 - 5050 Ortelsburg 5051 - 5065 Osterode 5066 - 5084 Palmicken 5085 - 5095 Petersdorf (see Amt Taplacken ) Preu_isch Eylau 5096 - 5113 Preu_isch Holland 5114 - 5128 Preu_isch Mark 5129 - 5146 Preu_isch Holland 5114 - 5128 Preu_isch Mark 5129 - 5146 Rastenburg 5147 - 5168 Rössel 5169 - 5180 Rossitten 5181 - 5195 Saalau 5196 - 5216 Schaacken 5217 - 5235 Schippenbeil (see Amt Rastenburg ) Seckenburg (see Amt Friedrichsgraben ) Seeburg 5236 - 5250 Soldau 5251 - 5266 Tapiau 5267 - 5283 Taplacken 5284 - 5305 Uderwangen 5306 - 5319 Waldau 5320 - 5336 Wandlacken 5337 - 5354 Wartenburg 5355 - 5366 Willenberg 5367 - 5381 Wormditt 5382 - 5392 Willenberg 5367 - 5381 Wormditt 5382 - 5392 Band 6 === 2. Ämterverpachtungen Kammerdepertement Gumbinnen Amt Nr . Althof-Insterburg 5393 - 5409 " -Memel 5410 - 5432 " -Ragnit 5433 - 5451 Angerburg (see Amt Popiollen) 5452 - 5474 Arys 5475 - 5491 Ballgarden 5492 - 5517 Baubeln 5518 - 5535 Brakupönen 5536 - 5550 Bredauen 5551 - 5564 Bredupönen 5565 - 5576 Budwetschen 5577 - 5591 Buylien 5592 - 5506 Czychen 5607 - 5617 Czymochen 5618 - 5628 Danzkehnen 5629 - 5644 Didlacken (Amt Gaudischkehmen) 5645 - 5659 Dinglauken 5660 - 5675 Dörschkehmen 5676 - 5693 Drygallen 5694 - 5705 Gaudischkehmen (see Amt Didlacken ) Georgenburg 5706 - 5720 Gerskullen 5721 - 5735 Göritten 5736 - 5750 Grünweitschen (Amt Mattischkehmen) 5751 - 5768 Grumbkowkaiten (see Amt Uszpiauen) 5769 - 5788 Gudwallen 5789 - 5806 Heinrichswalde 5807 - 5820 Heydekrug 5821 - 5836 Insterburg (see Amt Althof - I.) Johannisburg 5837 - 5849 Jurgaitschen 5850 - 5867 Kasigkehmen 5868 - 5885 Kattenau 5886 - 5898 Kiauten 5899 - 5916 Klemmenhof 5917 - 5932 Königsfelde 5933 - 5946 Kukerneese 5947 - 5963 Kussen 5964 - 5979 Lesgewangminnen 5980 - 5992 Linkuhnen 5993 - 6009 Löbegallen 6010 - 6022 Lötzen 6023 - 6039 Lyck 6040 - 6052 Mattischkehmen (see Amt Grünweitschen ) Maygunischken 6053 - 6059 Memel (see Amt Althof -Memel ) Molienen 6060 - 6075 Nassawen 6076 - 6086 Oletzko 6087 - 6102 Plicken 6103 - 6113 Polommen 6114 - 6121 Popiollen 6122 - 6129 Prökuls 6130 - 6150 Ragnit (see Amt Althof Ragnit) Rhein 6151 - 6166 Russ 6167 - 6181 Schnittken (see Amt Rhein) 6182 - 6190 Schreitlauken 6191 - 6203 Seehesten 6204 - 6214 Sommerau 6215 - 6229 Sperling 6230 - 6240 Stannaitschen 6241 - 6258 Stradaunen 6259 - 6269 Szirgupönen 6270 - 6283 Tilsit 6284 - 6289 Tollmingkehmen 6290 - 6301 Uszpiaunen (see Amt Grumbkowkaiten ) Waldaukadel 6302 - 6317 Weedern 6318 - 6333 Winge 6334 - 6349 Later records are deposited in HA XX and are summarized as follows: XX Historisches Staatsarchiv Königsberg Rep. 1 Oberpräsident von Schrötter Rep. 2 Oberpräsident der Provinz Ostpr&eußen Rep. 2 c Landeskulturamt zu Königsberg Rep. 4 Kriegskommissariat Rep. 5 Kriegs- und Domänenkammer zu Königsberg Rep. 8 Kriegs- und Domänenkammer zu Gumbinnen Rep. 9 Kriegs- und Domänenkammer zu Bialystok Rep. 10 Regierung zu Königsberg Rep. 10 K Regierung zu Königsberg, Katasterabteilung Rep. 12 Regierung zu Gumbinnen Rep. 14 Regierung zu Allenstein Rep. 15 Bezirksausschuss zu Allenstein Rep. 17 Polizeipräsidium zu Königsberg Rep. 17 a Polizeidirektion zu Tilsit Rep. 18 Landratsämter (Braunsberg, Fischhausen, Goldap, Gumbinnen, Heilsberg, Heydekrug, Insterburg, Königsberg Land / Samland, Labiau, Lötzen, Lyck, Memel, Oletzko / Treuburg, Ortelsburg, Osterode, Preußisch Holland, Rastenburg, Rössel, Sensburg, Tilsit, Wehlau) Rep. 26 Oberburggräfliches Amt Rep. 31 Oberlandesgericht zu Königsberg Rep. 32 Generalstaatsanwaltschaft zu Königsberg Rep. 36 Landgerichte (Allenstein, Bartenstein, Braunsberg, Insterburg, Königsberg, Lyck, Tilsit) Rep. 37 Staatsanwaltschaften (Allenstein, Bartenstein, Braunsberg, Insterburg, Königsberg, Lyck, Memel) Rep. 38 a Amtsgericht zu Königsberg Rep. 38 b Stadtgericht zu Königsberg Rep. 38 d Hospitalkollegium zu Königsberg Rep. 39 Kreis-, Amts- und Stadtgerichte (Allenstein, Angerburg, Bartenstein, Bialla / Gehlenburg, Bischofstein, Braunsberg, Darkehmen, Domnau, Fischhausen, Goldap, Gumbinnen, Guttstadt, Heiligenbeil, Heilsberg, Heinrichswalde, Heydekrug, Insterburg, Johannisburg, Kaukehmen/Kuckerneese, Kreuzburg, Labiau, Landsberg, Lötzen, Lyck, Memel, Mohrungen, Mühlhausen, Neidenburg, Nikolaiken, Nordenburg, Ortelsburg, Passenheim, Pillau, Pillkallen/Schlossberg, Preußisch Holland, Ragnit, Rastenburg, Russ, Saalfeld, Seeburg, Sensburg, Stallupönen/Ebenrode, Tapiau, Tilsit, Wehlau, Willenburg, Wischwill, Zinten) Rep. 40 Justizamtskollegium zu Saalfeld Rep. 41 Domänenjustizämter (Osterode, Tapiau, Taplacken, Wehlau) Rep. 42 Kreisjustizkommission zu Saalfeld Rep. 50 Domänenämter, Domänenrentämter (Allenstein, Brandenburg, Mohrungen, Osterode, Preußisch Holland, Tapiau, Wehlau, Wormditt) Rep. 51 Forstamt Nassawen Rep. 52 Remontedepot zu Sperling Rep. 53 Gemeindeakten (Christiankehmen) Rep.150 Innungen